When you buy Creative Clay.....


When you choose to buy a piece of my work weather it is a discounted second or a statement piece I can tell you, I am truly grateful.

My work is unique to me, everything is created by hand no two pieces will ever be the same, there will be some variations in the colours and sizes. There will be evidence of the maker's (my) hand that gives my work an authenticity which you won't get from mould made, mass produced products. I am committed to remaining a craft based business, this is something I am truly passionate about. I will not be able to mass produce my work. I respect each stage of the process and I want you to love and appreciate the time and effort that goes into producing it. Transforming that soft wet lump of clay into something really beautiful and permanent for you to enjoy, that is my joy.

I make ceramics because I love to work with clay, it is just what I am naturally drawn to do. I am happiest in my workshop surrounded by my tools and equipment making my Planters & Vases, Wall Plaques & Candleholder.

I share my work because I want you to experience that feeling of joy and love and appreciation that I feel making it. You choose to buy my work because you see the beauty and uniqueness in the finished piece maybe it makes you smile and feel good looking at it. When you go on to give it as a gift you are spreading the joy. How chuffed you feel when you see the recipients face light up because of your thoughtfulness.

It’s personal! You can go on to tell them that you met the person that made the piece or maybe it was made in the Town, County or Country you recently visited. Read more about my work here You are very welcome to contact me with any questions ????

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Raquel 🐞